Protecting the Winners of Economic Pyramids

Those benefitting from being in the top segment of an economic pyramid risk the continuity of the pyramid as a result of the pressures originating from those at the bottom of the pyramid.

In other words, those at the top of the pyramid will benefit if those at the bottom of the pyramid have reason for the hope of change. As distinct from participation in religions, many of which have a traditional pitch of, if not better for you here then it will be better in a following environment, if the rules currently imposed in this world are obeyed.

The hope for change which I recommend would be based on participant effort and a resulting improved ability. This could be accomplished by creating a broad array of competitive benefit awards such as scholarships. Such a series of benefit programs would create local role models. Fair and honest measurement is necessary. There will be winners and losers and support for both is a necessary part of the recommended programs.

In some, but hopefully not most of the programs, sports and physical superiority will be rewarded. Intelligent and experience-based coaching will result in those applying the most effort to their identified abilities. It is my hope, as a short person, that the focus of the programs will not be competitions in which the size of the individual participants is a significant factor. Size matters and in tribal communities the leaders are typically the tallest. However, in the current world, since the invention of electric power and a range of other power enhancing tools, size matters less.

Indeed, some of us believe that many societies would benefit economically from having populations of small sized individuals. People standing 3.5 feet tall require proportionately smaller amounts of food, clothing and housing, while still being able to contribute the same or more brainpower.

A small percentage of any population are gifted and talented and programs which identified those able to do the most good for communities would be positive.

There is a significant societal benefit difference between a wealthy winner of a contest and a winner coming from the lowest segment of the pyramid. It would not be surprising if the competitor coming from the background of less was able to win in many competitions.

Of course, the greatest longer-term benefit will result from significant improvement in elementary education. However, the societal benefit will be delayed until the recipient of a better education reaches adulthood. Therefore, the skill identifying programs will have to be spread from young adults to youngsters.

Also, especially in the case of elementary school age kids, the parents should also be publicly recognized and rewarded, especially where their efforts were part of the success of their offspring.

The reality of the situation, where those at the top of the pyramid benefit so disproportionately, to those at the bottom, is one where the frequently orchestrated demands of those believing that they have little to lose, will also believe themselves to be victims of those at the top. They will have to be given reasonable hope for change to be constrained from accumulated frustration taking destructive actions. Without there being a reason for hope at the bottom of the pyramid the threat of violence will be real.



Arthur Lipper, Chairman
British Far East Holdings Ltd.
+1 858 793 7100

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