Relative Performance
Stock Betting
Because half of the people betting in Relative Performance Stock Betting will win and receive a substantial return. In each bet there will always be a winner and a loser. The winner will succeed due to better information, judgement, and/or luck.
In no case will any of the securities bet on or against be purchased or sold due to the bet. Neither will the stock market’s action determine winning or losing, except in the case that stock market averages or indices are part of the bet. The bet is made upon which of the two stocks or stock and index, outperform the other, up, or down. It is purely a bet on the percentage of the price change of the shares and index during the agreed period.
The standard betting unit is $200, and the betting periods are 30, 90, or 180 days. Only members of the DoBetter Club may bet, and the funds necessary to buy or sell the number if betting units wanted must be on deposit.
The role of the DoBetter.club is to arrange for counterparties, not ever to be one of the wagers, the Club is solely a broker, and will be paid 10% of winnings.
At the initial stage of operations, only stocks listed in the SP500 will be able to be bet on, as well as the index itself.
A club member will indicate that they are interested in being a counterparty to bets the Club will announce, or they will indicate a bet they would like to make if the Club can arrange for a counter party.
The winner of a bet relating to which will do better: the shares of Apple or Amazon, or Google versus 150% of the performance of the SP500 will receive $180 of the loser’s $200 bet at the end of 30, 90, or 180 days, and the loser will lose $200. The Club will keep 10% of the winnings as a service fee. The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) for the winner will be very high, depending on the betting period selected.
Arthur Lipper, Chairman arthurlipper@gmial.com
British Far East Holdings Ltd.